Liangliang Zhuang, Ancha Xu*, Guanqi Fang, and Yincai Tang. Multivariate reparameterized inverse Gaussian processes with common effects for degradation-based reliability prediction, Journal of Quality Technology, (2024). [PDF], [Supp], [code]
Ancha Xu, Guanqi Fang, Liangliang Zhuang* and Cheng Gu. A multivariate Student-t process model for dependent tail-weighted degradation data, IISE Transactions, (2024). [PDF], [code]
Liangliang Zhuang, Ancha Xu*, Yijun Wang, and Yincai Tang. Remaining useful life prediction for two-phase degradation model based on reparameterized inverse Gaussian process, European Journal of Operational Research, (2024). [PDF], [Supp]
Liangliang Zhuang, Ancha Xu* and Xiao-Lin Wang*. A prognostic driven predictive maintenance framework based on Bayesian deep learning, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 234 (2023): 109181. [PDF]
Liangliang Zhuang, Ancha Xu* and Jihong Pang. Product reliability analysis based on heavily censored interval data with batch effects. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 212 (2021): 107622. [PDF]
Liangliang Zhuang and Ancha Xu*. Data analysis of progressive‐stress accelerated life tests with group effects, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 20.6 (2023): 763-783. [PDF]
Working papers
Ancha Xu, Xinming Weng, and Liangliang Zhuang* (2024+). “Strategic integration of adaptive sampling and ensemble techniques in federated learning for aircraft engine remaining useful life prediction”, Applied Soft Computing, major revision.
Liangliang Zhuang, and Ancha Xu* (2024+). “Online estimation and remaining useful life prediction considering sensor degradation using inverse Gaussian process”, under preparation.
Liangliang Zhuang, Guanqi Fang, and Ancha Xu* (2024+). “Reliability analysis and degradation modeling using two-scale reparameterized inverse Gaussian processes”, under preparation.
* Corresponding author
Acadamic Talks
Stochastic Modeling for Two-Stage and Multivariate Degradation Process
reported by Prof. Tang, produced by Liangliang. [Slides]- The 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (Keynote Speech), 2024.10.
Reparameterized Inverse Gaussian Process and Its Applications
reported by Prof. Xu, produced by Liangliang. [Slides]- 北京理工大学数学与统计学院, 2024.08.
A Multivariate Student-t Process Model for Dependent Tail-Weighted Degradation Data
reported by Prof. Xu, produced by Liangliang. [Slides]- 中国运筹学会可靠性分会学术年会, 2024.04.
Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Two-Phase Degradation Model Based on Reparameterized Inverse Gaussian Process
reported by Prof. Xu, produced by Liangliang. [Slides]- 天津大学管理与经济学部, 2024.03.
- 北京理工大学管理与经济学院, 2024.03.
- 苏州大学数学科学学院, 2023.11.
- 中国运筹学会可靠性分会年会(优秀论文), 2023.12. (reported by Liangliang)
Prognostic Driven Predictive Maintenance Framework Based on Bayesian Deep Learning
reported by Liangliang. [Slides]- 中国现场统计研究会可靠性分会学术年会, 2023.06.
- The 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (Best Student Paper Award), 2022.12.
- 第六届全国统计学博士研究生学术论坛(二等奖), 2022.11
Other Talks
Research Steps and Techniques
Seminar held by 荷兰心理学联盟 (in Chinese), 2024. Slides, Video -
Deep learning with R for beginners
Seminar held by 统计之都 (in Chinese), 2022. Video, Code -
Visualization tutorial using R
Summer Seminar (in Chinese), 2021. Video, HTML -
R Markdown tutorial for beginners
Self-made online courses (in Chinese), 2021. Video, HTML, Slides I, II
Adhoc Reviewer
- Computers & Industrial Engineering
- Computers in Industry
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability
- Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety
- Scientific Reports
Honors & Awards
National Scholarship for PhD Students (2024.11)
China Scholarship Council program (2024.01 - 2025.01)
Best Paper at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Reliability Sub-Society of the Operations Research Society of China (2023.12)
Best Student Paper Award in the 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (SRSE) (2022.12)
Second Prize of the 6th National Academic Forum for PhD Students in Statistics (2022.11)
Third prize in the “Obey Cup” Industrial Supply Chain Data Intelligence Innovation Competition (2022.11)
Outstanding Graduate of Zhejiang Province (2021.10)
National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students (2021.09)
Third Prize in National Graduate Mathematical Modeling Competition (2020, 2019)
Translate Applied statistics using R by Mehmet Mehmetoglu and Matthias Mittner into Chinese as R速成: 统计分析和科研数据分析快速上手.
Collaboratively completed the Chinese book titled R Markdown 指南.